About Your Centre
Clayton Road traders are part of a ‘Special Rate’ area which is looked after by the Clayton Traders Association, a not-for-profit incorporated member organisation, consisting of a volunteer committee and contracted centre coordinator.
The organisation represents all traders within the centre, utilizing the Special Rate funds for the marketing, promotion and improvement of the shopping precinct.
This can include events, activations, minor public realm improvements, and working with Monash City Council and other government bodies and organisations to ensure the continuing economic prosperity of the centre and its traders.
The Special Rate Levy is collected along with the regular rates by Monash Council and is provided to the Clayton Trader’s Association quarterly, to defray the marketing, promotion, centre management, business development and other incidental expenses associated with Clayton Road, Clayton.

Join Us
The Clayton Traders Association meets regularly to ensure the ongoing activation of Clayton Road.
Being a trader in the street doesn’t automatically mean you are a member of the association, only registered members can vote on important matters or become committee members and office bearers. Membership is free and it only takes a moment to apply.
If you are a business with an ABN, trading on Clayton Road, Clayton and would like to become an association member, please complete the form below.